
The Enforcement of Joy and Grief

Posted on April 10, 2021

I was wondering today why I can’t seem to register any emotion when a royal event happens. I always find myself feeling awkward, bemused and irritated when excessive grief is foisted upon me. When ‘a nation grieves’ where does it leave us poor souls who are not grieving? Are we supposed to join in with the grieving? Or be damned for not being patriotic enough? Taking myself right back to my childhood, I think a key influence was my ...

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Northern Ireland – Just One Reason for Not Having Referendums

Posted on April 9, 2021

Out of the many good reasons there were for not foisting a referendum on the public, Northern Ireland must be one of the best. I would say 95% of Brexit voters didn’t even know what Good Friday Agreement was and why Brexit would jeopardise its being. There is now a situation that, unless the whole of Ireland is to become a united member of the EU, is unsolvable. Utterly unsolvable and obvious as to why Theresa May was so keen to fudge a ...

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Vaccine Side Effects

Posted on April 3, 2021

On Saturday mornings there are a couple of scientists on BBC Breakfast called Chris Smith and Linda Bauld. I find that they are a great combination for those like me who are suckers for an idiots guide to being an amateur epidemiologist. This morning they were discussing vaccines and the likelihood of blood clots and side effects. It was the side effects bit that fascinated me as I didn’t appear to get any, whilst others claim to have been ...

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The AstraZeneca Supply Issue

Posted on March 26, 2021

I have been following, with interest, the issues with a vaccine roll out in Europe that is causing issues over there. It could, and probably will, create an issue here in blighty as well. People are getting caught up with thinking it is an EU/UK issue and that is why the EU have considered ringfencing some supplies from going abroad. If more attention was paid to the real issue, people might think differently. Underperforming Astra...

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A Year of Lockdown!

Posted on March 23, 2021

When I look back on my personal year since lockdown, it is quite odd. Some things seem like they were years and years ago, whilst others feel like they were yesterday. One of the things I remember the clearest was a pre-season cricket practice in a large barn in Dummer. Rumours were already starting to emerge about the virulence of Covid-19 and there I was, in a hall with members of mine and several other cricket clubs. We were also mixing ...

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