Tonight has been one of those rare occasions as I spend by myself because I have no children with me and my girlfriend is busy doing the make up at a Pantomime. I planned my evening quite well actually, firstly I would go to the gym and tone up my fine body of twisted steel and sex appeal, then I would have a swim, followed by a light and healthy meal in the bar area before going back home to write yet another ...
There is a girl who works behind the bar at The Grey Hound in Broughton who has an accent I just couldn't get. I am normally quite good at regional accents, but this one was near impossible. It turned out she was from Aberdeen and had an Aberdeen/Grampian accent which is a nothing near Glasgow or even Edinburgh dialect which themselves are poles apart. Glaswegian can in my opinion sound very aggressive, even violent, w...
I have today joined up with Twitter for the third time in the hope that something might come of it, but I think I am missing a trick somewhere because I just don't seem to get anything interesting. I have tried to follow several well known people without anything exciting happening and I now have eleven followers who only appear semi interested in me, probably because I can't think of anything to tweet yet, except that it's raining. If ...
Many of you may have read or heard in the media last week about David Beckham stopping and helping a motorist who had broken down on a roundabout in Hertfordshire. The press reacted to this as if Beckham had leapt out of his car with a defibrillator and revived a dying heart attack patient, almost as if helping someone pushing a car was something that only happened in the good old days when all the summers were warm, you could leave your back ...
I awoke with a start at 2.00am this morning to the sound of banging followed by an awful explosion of liquid. My first impression was that the heating system had exploded, but as I raced from my bedroom I discovered that the sound was coming from my eldest son George hurtling to the bathroom to carry out an Exorcist style vomit spraying of every square inch of the room. It was a hideous moment that required a stomach turning, intricate cleaning ...