I wrote a blog recently that suggested that my first ever football match was Reading v Rotherham in 1979. This was wrong, as my first match was in fact Hearts v Dundee in 1978, courtesy of my Uncle Ian. Hearts won 3-2 in what I assume was a thriller, though my only clear memories of this event are some sporadic drunken fights before the game and my Uncle placing me on train back to Kirkcaldy with an unknown but friendly elderly lady so he could ...
We are now six days in to what is officially regarded as spring and today I celebrated by having my first cup of tea in the back garden since September last year. Not that it was particularly warm at 7c but my small patch of patio and grass offers sunshine all afternoon and shelters me completely from the biting north easterly making it feel at least 5c warmer. This huge bonus makes me realise that my choice of property was much better than I ...
It's a funny old world, on 25th of February 2010 I wrote a blog celebrating Reading FC reaching an FA Cup quarter final for the first time in 83 years and now just over a year later, they have done it once again. An old phrase about buses coming at once comes to mind. Reading as a club take quite a lot of criticism from sections of their support (including me) about lack of funds and being run like a business rather than adults toy, but as a ...
A couple of things caught my attention today, firstly the joy of waking up to the Oscars being the main headline on BBC News despite all the other minor things in the world and at home, such as the internal strife in Libya and the continued recession in Britain. The Oscars annoy more with every passing year, or should I say the BBC annoy me even more every year, don’t they understand that people watch the news for news not back slapping film ...
I have tried Twitter for a week and I have decided that it is not really my cup of tea, I just can't understand hash tagging and all that business. Maybe I have got to that time of life when technology catches up with me, waves as it overtakes, then disappears over the horizon, because I just don't get it at all. I have twenty seven followers which are made up of a few friends, some people my friend Craig attached to me because&...