
What a Month April Was!

Posted on May 7, 2011

Even if you are not a saddo like me and in general, you pay no particular interest in the British weather, you would have struggled not to notice the heat and dryness that the south of England has been subjected to in the last month. You don't often see statistics like these; The warmest April for 350 years (though how well the temperature was measured in the 1600's is any ones guess) included the hottest April day since 1949 (27.8c) ...

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I Can’t Keep up With the News!!!

Posted on May 3, 2011

That dastardly wedding, you know, the one last Friday, has been wiped cleanly off the news in the last few days as something new seems to be happening almost on an hourly basis. No sooner had the last of the street parties cleared up before we had the death of Saif Gadaffi (son of the Colonel) and surprise, surprise, the announcement of a prolonged war in Libya. We then had a brief respite before the CIA (or was it the FBI?) announced that ...

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Why The Royal Wedding Didn’t do Anything for me

Posted on May 1, 2011

I am glad the Royal Wedding is firmly behind us now, it has caused me so much grief from some quarters where I have been accused of being a killjoy a party pooper and an unpatriotic republican who should perhaps consider moving away to another country. Of course, much of abuse that has come my way has been self inflicted as I have had the temerity to speak out and express my opinion, which being an opinion of indifference, should it seems, ...

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A Long Weekend Of Variety and a Snapped Penis

Posted on April 26, 2011

The bank holiday weekend that has just past has been our hottest in April since 1949 with temperatures reaching 29c on Fri/Sat under azure blue skies. This kind of weather has been quite typical in the April's of the last three or four years, but it has always, rather worryingly, been followed by lead grey skies during the school holidays in late July and August. Whether this is a general trend or pure coincidence ...

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The Royal Wedding Guest List

Posted on April 21, 2011

It's great to see that the Royal wedding list has been released, but at the same time it is a source of huge disappointment to have not yet received a gold leafed invite, the post around here is appalling. Only when trawling through the list of guests do you begin realise that the people in this elite group of our society exist on a totally different plane. They are people you are never ever likely to come across in your life&nb...

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