
The Great Poppy Debate!

Posted on November 10, 2011

Have you got your Poppy on? I have bought two I think, perhaps three, donating a few quid to the Royal British Legion in the process in hoping that it may go some way to helping some poor bastard who has had his legs blown off in one of the horrendous wars the Bush/Blair axis took us in to in the last decade or so. One of these wars, if you remember, was in Iraq, where troops were sent to save the British people from an all out ...

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Refereeing, Fireworks and a World Class Hangover!

Posted on November 8, 2011

I had a really busy day on Saturday, followed by a desperately exhausted Sunday. I started the day by volunteering to referee a game featuring Broughton Under 9's and Wherwell Shooters in front of a healthy crowd at the Broughton playing fields. This was really enjoyable and I think I did pretty well considering the mayhem going on around me, under nine games feature a handful of really talented kids amongst others who sprint ...

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A Damp Squib

Posted on November 4, 2011

This is going to be a short post, nonetheless it is also going to be excellent as usual, as Bob Lethaby's Blog is educational, informative and quite brilliantly thought provoking, challenging it's readers to reach new levels of intelligence by thinking outside the box of conformity and reaching unprecedented boundaries of the thought process. Today ladies and gentlemen, I have been examining the "damp squib" a term used by many people ...

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The Reliance on Technology and the Nice T-Mobile Staff

Posted on November 2, 2011

Yesterday, about 4.00pm, I went to make a phone call on my super dooper Blackberry Bold phone/computer gadget when suddenly, for no apparent reason, the screen turned white with a little black message in the middle that was only possible to see with a magnifying glass.The message read 5527 Error. Marvellous, absolutely spiffing stuff, how stupid I am to have got to the the point that I now rely on such gadgets to ...

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A day in the Big Smoke

Posted on October 30, 2011

George, Harry and I went for a day in London yesterday, something I love to do every couple of months, the hustle and bustle, street performers, varying bars and restaurants and free museums make London a great and not necessarily expensive day out. I say I went with both of them, but in reality George got as far as Basingstoke train centre with us, then he disappeared off the face of the earth as if he was a magic act. He was meeting up ...

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