
Top Twelve Monthly Blogs of 2011

Posted on December 30, 2011

Having been house bound with a cold and then a stomach bug/poisoning (I will spare you the detail) since Wednesday, I have little to elaborate on since my most recent blog. With that in mind, I have decided to publish a monthly run down of the most popular blogs I have written this year. When I say popular, I mean the blogs with the most amount of pages viewed in each month.These aren't necessarily my own personal favourite blogs, but they are ...

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Working Out What Day it is as the Man Flu Subsides

Posted on December 28, 2011

We are now in the period of Christmas where we are constantly checking what day of the week it is, I have had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday thoughts already today, it is a bizarre period Christmas. My man flu has moved south from my nose in to my throat, resulting in a pathetic cough where just as I doze off my tonsils are lightly tickled with a feather, a complete nuisance, though more bearable than walking around with a tissue rammed up each ...

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A Cold For Christmas as Alan Hansen Becomes the Latest Racist

Posted on December 24, 2011

Just in the nick time for Christmas, I am the victim of heavy cold that was enhanced by too much alcohol at a party last night in Broughton. Alcohol and an on rushingcommon cold are not the best of combinations, the party was good fun, the coldis not, and I ran out of tissues on my drive home this morning, resulting in a facelike a glazed doughnut by the time I got back here. As per usual anyone I mention the cold to comes up with the obligatory ...

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The Sad Passing of a Golfing Legend in a Bad Year For Dictators

Posted on December 20, 2011

People often say to that it must be difficult to keep discovering things to write about on a Blog, but it isn't difficult at all, there is always something new happening, be it the discovery a new planet, Jeremy Clarkson acting the tit once again or Colonel Gadaffi allegedly receiving brutal anal sex from soldiers before his final fall from grace. With the recent death of North Korean leader and world number one golfer Kim Jong-Il it ...

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Shopping Done…But It’s the Card That Matters!!

Posted on December 16, 2011

I am going to stand up for single and divorced men the world over here, and state that without a shadow of any doubt or a single grain of uncertainty, that Christmas shopping for teenage children and/or girlfriend/partner/lady friends (or whatever the fuck your are supposed to call them as a grown man) is about as stressful as you can get, especially if you are in Basingstoke, an utter hell-hole featuring sales staff that are preying on your ...

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