I recently posted a response to a friend of mine who had mentioned on Facebook that they were in the Blue Peter studio for something to do with the Olympic torch which is currently getting treated with more excitement than a shock return by Elvis Presley. This of course, is fair enough if you are in to Olympic torches, which I have to admit, I have slight indifference to, as it does not pay my bills or give me enough of a thrill to detract me ...
My eldest son finished his schooling last week by attending a prom night with all his old established friends, many of them who he will go on to college with in September, so I guess the farewell wasn't as dramatic and emotional as it might have been. All the GCSE's are now complete, many of which he is seemingly confident of passing, which is something that fills me with suspicion considering he has spent most of his revision time playing ...
Now that the football is over we can all turn our attention to the much anticipated 2012 London Olympics, an event that is yet to reach out and grab my imagination, but I know it will, and as always, there will be some event which I didn’t even know existed, where I will screaming at the TV at any sniff of team GB success. If we had a bespectacled geek fighting for the Tiddlywinks gold medal versus an American, I would be leaping around the ...
Whenever there is a penalty shoot-out during a football tournament, I will wager with you that that the pundits "back in the studio" will use the word lottery on several occasions as the cameraman homes in on managers picking the poor bastards charged with (unless they are playing England) potentially letting their nation down in front of a world wide audience (I can actually hear Alan Hansen's voice in my head as I write this). However, the ...
It would take the most ignorant and biased fan to deny that England's obligatory penalty shoot out defeat was justice served to an Italian side that after the first twenty minutes totally dominated the spirited but pretty much hopeless men in white. All over the radio this morning there were accusations of lack of spirit, not playing for the shirt and all that other nonsense that comes with every predictable exit that England suffer at the ...