In case you hadn't all noticed, the football starts again this weekend and though it seems earlier every year, this year it is actually later, but it still pisses me off that I have had to make a decision, something I am notoriously bad at. I have a season ticket once again but as Reading embark on their return to the Premier League against Stoke City on Saturday, I have decided that I will be out on a cricket field in the village of Amport ...
Blimey, getting up this morning to be greeted grey clouds and a cool wind gave me real end of summer feeling, even if we have hardly had one. For a man who spends a lot of time at home, the Olympics has provided me huge amounts of entertainment either on Radio 5 or BBC TV in the last few weeks and it must have been a bizarre sight for our local postman to see me pacing the living room in anxiety as Nick Skelton headed for gold in a show ...
Oakley Cricket Club require semi competent cricketers for a number of vacancies in the 1st and 2nd II Saturday side for the rest of this season and more importantly, for the Summer of 2013.
The ideal candidates will have the following attributes:
The ability to score 15-50 runs on a regular basis
Be able to catch the ball, at least occasionally
The ability to bowl fast, medium, slow, spin or just plain straight
Enjoyment of fielding ...
I see that ageing Smiths singer Morrisey has launched a withering attack on the Olympics by describing it is as "blustering jingoism". Morrisey goes on to say that "The 'dazzling royals' have, quite naturally, hi-jacked the Olympics for their own empirical needs, and no oppositional voice is allowed in the free press. It is lethal to witness.” Morrisey even went as far as comparing the Olympics to a nationalistic parade similar to that of ...
Camping in the UK is the oddest of things; it is a unique time when an ordeal is mixed with pleasure, where fun and joviality is tempered by stinking Portaloos and showers that are no better than a dripping tap. It is also a time when relationships can get strained and even the simple process of frying a piece of bacon is littered with obstacles such as rain, sudden gusts of wind and specifically designed camping frying pans that spot weld any ...