
It Says Six in the Score Book!

Posted on September 10, 2012

One thing I have always wanted to do before I die, is hit a cricket ball over a boundary rope for six runs. It is something that I tried several times for various teams throughout my twenties and again, since my mid thirties, for clubs such as Oakley, Dummer, Ashford Hill and any other outfit I have managed to ponce a game off. The main reason that I have failed to realise this particular dream stems from the fact that I am not very good at ...

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Bi-Focals or Contact Lenses?

Posted on September 2, 2012

I am sad to report that eyesight is now fading at such an alarming rate that I am now at the point that I wear glasses for both distance and for reading. However, anyone who knows my habit for misplacing items will understand that the stress of having two pairs of glasses to accompany my wallet, keys and mobile phone on every trip out of my front door is too much to take. I tried getting myself a man bag, but it resulted in me either losing it ...

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Take me to the Tower..

Posted on August 31, 2012

Right, I am going to say it...ready? I can muster no interest in the Para-Olympics whatsoever. Right, come and lynch me, put me in the stocks and pelt me with rotten vegetables, then hang me in the tower and allow my eyes to be pecked out by hungry ravens. However, even that threat wont change my perception of how I view the Para-Olmypics which despite the undoubted courage of those taking part, fails to impress me as a sports fan. When I watch ...

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Baton Changing and Biorythms

Posted on August 23, 2012

Today was a pivotal day for my eldest son, one that began with him receiving his exam results and will no doubt end if with him bouncing around with all his mates at the Reading festival. It is one of those days that will still be in his memory bank when he is an old man and when he wandered off this morning my sense of pride was tinged with rampant jealousy, as today you see, is pivotal day for me as well, because it feels like the day I have ...

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Cricket-Destroyer of the Soul

Posted on August 20, 2012

After deciding not to see the Royal return of Reading FC to the Premier League on Saturday I embarked a marathon of cricket this weekend, playing in heavy defeats for Oakley on Saturday and Sunday, both games being great examples of my calamitous nature and general ineptitude towards a game that requires a cool and calm head under pressure rather than the Stan Laurel guide to cricket that I served up to the general amusement of everyone except ...

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