The great thing about social networks such as Twitter and Facebook is that you can get a real sense of public feeling when a major figure in British history passes way. A mixture of widespread adulation and total vitriol has had Twitter and Facebook at breaking point in the last 24 hours, proving that Margaret Thatcher remains a controversial figure 23 years after she was drummed out of Downing Street by her own peers who could no longer cope ...
Dear SKY Broadband,
I really thought I loved you, you know...For the past two weeks you have been bombarding me with beautiful, flirty text messages about how your new 40 MB broadband service is going to change my life on the 10th April 2013, the day when your engineer visits me between 9.00am and 1pm. It has, I admit, been a a lovely few weeks with every text you have sent me seeming more erotic the nearer the big day approached.
You have ...
I have been following the Chris Huhne scandal with great interest as it features all the ingredients for a great read; comedy, tragedy, bitterness and revenge. How the relationship between Huhne and his ex-wife got into such a farcical state is a big lesson for all separating couples to learn from.
Most of you don’t need reminding that Huhne got his wife to take the rap for a speeding offence to save him the professional inconvenience and ...
When I drove through the pouring rain down to Oakley Cricket Cricket club this morning with week to forget still releasing itself from my mind, I could have been excused for wondering why on earth I had taken on the role of Chairman. However, there is some sort of egotistical pleasure I gain from giving something back to the community and working with fellow volunteers who have become friends that I would have never met otherwise in area of ...
I went to a funeral yesterday and as funerals go, it was a jolly nice one, where being overtly sombre was not really on the agenda. For a lot of blokes of my generation and indeed the generations above, we have it in our DNA to try to keep emotions in check at these events, wrongly seeing that blubbing is a sign of a weakness in our characters. Fortunately, yesterday, apart from having to fake an early season hay-fever attack half-way through ...