There is a reason for everything in life. Yesterday, someone
turned up at our house and handed Aden (Jennifer’s son) two pounds in exchange
for an inflatable Jesus Christ. There is a reason Jennifer found it amongst a
load of old kids’ stuff. There is a reason she put it on Facebay and there is a
reason someone drove several miles to pay two English pounds for it.
Huawei Sacking
If that sounds like something from a parallel universe, ...
Before I start, the title of this blog is based on a play on words from a book by Hunter S Thomson, I read years ago. Sorry if you didn’t get it. What you probably will get, is the feeling of not having any control or influence on the nightmare unfolding in Ukraine.
Trip to Salisbury
I had to go to pick something up in Salisbury yesterday and ended up in a wet and cold industrial estate. It was all quite desperate wandering around in ...
I have been in loads of great discussions about civilians
taking up arms in Ukraine. I am not a war strategist (obviously) and I don’t
like wars or guns. However, wars do spike my interest and it is always
interesting to track which direction they are heading and how resistance
Last year, when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, there was barely any resistance. Conversely, in Ukraine, there has been plenty. Some say this is ...
You have to laugh at everyone jumping on the bandwagon with regards to Roman Abramovich and Chelsea FC. Everyone knew he was a gangster 20 years ago and no one did anything about it. The British government welcomed him and his roubles in. He knew, like all self-respecting gangsters and human rights abusers, a Premier League football club is the place to be.
Why Football Clubs?
Why a football club? Well, we all know the saying with ...
As Russia pummels an independent European state, all of us amateur current affairs enthusiasts are in a right old pickle. Where on earth will it all end up and how did the current and former leaders of the free world let it happen?
Corrupted by Roubles
I don’t really know but there is no doubting one thing. The west has allowed itself to be corrupted by roubles. Whether it is politicians dating back to the fall of the Berlin wall, ...