After a lovely weekend down in the New Forest meeting new people, I got a phone call and a visit from my old mate Richard last night. Despite feeling a bit jaded, we meandered off down to the delightful Hyde Tavern in Winchester with another friend, Steve, to have a chinwag about any old crap that would have the average woman searching the landscape for hills and proceeding to make a run for them. However, I really enjoy these conversa...
As most of you are fully aware I talk a lot; in fact if talking had been an Olympic sport last summer I would be sat here with an OBE and an invite to appear on the Jonathon Ross show. I put this down to the fact that I am the youngest of five strong willed siblings and had a mother whose attitude to being a housewife/parent could at best, be described as non-conformist. If I had not learnt to talk or protect my food with great expertise it ...
Our dear friends at The Met Office cop a lot of stick from the British public, periodically taking the blame for failing to predict wet summers and cold winters. However, in their defence, we live in a kingdom where predicting the weather is notoriously difficult because it is virtually always under the influence of ever changing weather patterns happening out in the Atlantic. That's why, over the last week, I have been so impressed by the ...
Is it just me imagining things or is the main criterion to become knighted to be a child molester, a police inspector who oversees the death of 96 people, a banker who brings the country to its knees or a businessman who pays his wife a three billion pounds dividend into an account in Monaco?
According to Wikipedia “A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch or other political leader for service to the ...
Yesterday evening, after a day of gardening in beautiful September sunshine, I embarked on my bi-monthly house clean. This I'll have you know, is not a n everyday whiz around with a hoover and a bit of furniture polish, this is industrial cleaning that includes gouging out the intestines of my cooker, the washing of floors and the scrubbing down of kitchen units. I did employ a cleaner from an agency to do this for a while, but rather than a ...