Current Affairs

Does Charles Kennedy’s Death Expose a Nation of Alcoholics?

Posted on June 9, 2015

The sad death of Charles Kennedy last week has continually been linked to his battle with alcoholism, which ultimately paid some sort of part in his passing, during what only five months in, was already a year to forget after the loss of his father and his seat in parliament in a matter of a month. It is quite bizarre that when you hear people in public saying he (Kennedy) was a hopeless drunk, they are often doing it to justify there own ...

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British People and a Referendum…Oh God!

Posted on May 26, 2015

I heard something on the radio the other day that staggered me so much with its bleeding obvious content I nearly veered off the road. Basically, it was a study carried out on behalf of the BMA that suggested adults are more likely to increase their alcohol intake whilst they are on holiday or attending celebrations such as weddings or birthday parties. I instantly imagined the scene in the laboratory of some university. "Professor, come ...

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What is a Nominative Determinism?

Posted on March 25, 2015

My friend Darren posted something on Facebook yesterday that was asking whether the fact that David Beckham was born at Whipps Cross Hospital was an example of a nominative determinism. For those of you on the planet Zark, David Beckham, in between silly haircuts and marrying a pouting, poor excuse for a pop singer, was once a footballer who was renowned for his ability to whip in crosses for his grateful team-mates playing for England, ...

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Meeting with a Bulgarian Car Cleaner!

Posted on March 21, 2015

I went to Sainsbury’s yesterday to buy a few bits and pieces for the weekend and of course, to satisfy my occasional forty-something lust for feeling incandescent with rage at paying £14:00 for eight Gillette razor refills. When I got to the car park, I was approached by an Eastern European chap who was, despite the unseasonably cold and biting easterly wind, willing to wash, polish and wax my car for £10:00. I looked at my car and ...

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Clarkson – The People’s Bully

Posted on March 12, 2015

If you were to meet Jeremy Clarkson in a pub and happened to challenge him on something like, let’s say for example, the Environment, his response would be to put his fingers in his ears and shout; “BLAH, BLAH…NOT LISTENING…NOT INTERESTED…GO AWAY YOU GUARDIAN READING, HOMOSEXUAL, VEGETARIAN, FOX LOVER!" His friends would guffaw at you as you shrunk in front of them and you would be left to wonder why you opened your mouth only to ...

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