The Irony of the Anti-Woke Movement: Who’s Really Shutting Down Free Speech?
Posted on March 5, 2025
In today’s media circus, the myth of wokeness has become the rallying cry for a certain band of dodgy pundits. Outlets like GB News and their merry band of followers who claim that nowadays, no one can utter a word without risk of being muzzled by an omnipotent censor. The reality, however, is far more laughable and darkly ironic: it’s not that society has suddenly decided to slap a gag on free speech, more one that doesn’t like cunts such as Farage harassing or bullying minorities and refugees. That can’t stop populists but standing up to them is not banning from being cunts. They do it daily, so how is that not free speech?
The Self-Proclaimed Victims of Free Speech
It’s downright amusing when cunts like Trump, Vance, Farage, Oakshott, and Hartley-Brewer clamber all over every available media platform, claiming they are being muzzled by a politically correct regime. With a pompous air of self-importance, these cunts call for the shutting down (or purchase) of any platform that doesn’t give them a free pass to spout their cuntish toxic vitriol. Yet the real punchline is that these so-called champions of free speech aren’t being silenced by some nefarious establishment at all—they’re simply cunts, out to say whatever they please, no matter how vile or demeaning it might be to the defenceless.
A Battle Cry for the Loud, Not the Libellous
For their fervent followers, the cuntish anti-woke movement is less about defending free speech and more about the freedom to offend without consequence. The freedom to be a right cunt. It is a paradox wrapped in a riddle: these cunts love to claim that political correctness has strangled their right to speak freely, yet they’re the first to demand the silencing of anyone who dares to challenge their simplistic, often repulsive narratives. They relish in the irony of shouting that no one is allowed to criticise them—even as they target those who have enough on their plates without the extra insult of their venomous diatribes. Silly cunts.
Who’s Really Calling the Shots?
The truth of the matter is this: while the anti-woke, cunt brigade prattles on about an Orwellian takeover of speech, they are, in fact, the ones orchestrating a modern-day censorship of ideas. They pick and choose whose voices matter, championing their own right to be cunts while trampling on the rights of those who disagree. It is not some mysterious force of wokeness curtailing free expression; it’s the self-titled defenders of unfettered speech who are hell-bent on silencing any dissenting opinion that doesn’t suit their narrative. Basically, they are cunts.
In a darkly comic twist, their entire cuntlike crusade against political correctness turns out to be nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to monopolise public discourse. Instead of engaging in meaningful debate, they prefer to shout their witless agenda from the rooftops and then demand that anyone with a different view be promptly shut down. The real irony is that these cunty very anti-woke warriors, who insist on the freedom to say whatever they want—even if it means targeting the vulnerable—are the ones who would happily silence anyone who dares to hold them to account. As I said previously, they are jumped up cunts.
So, the next time you hear the lament that free speech is under siege, remember it isn’t an omnipotent system of wokeness muzzling the masses—it’s the self-appointed arbiters of speech, clinging to their own twisted and indeed cuntish definition of “freedom,” who are determined to shut everyone else off.
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