Time to Stop Bullying Liz Truss… and Maybe Get Her Sectioned?

Posted on October 1, 2024

After seeing Liz Truss yesterday, I couldn’t help but wonder if it’s time we stopped bullying her and just got her sectioned instead. She looked madder than ever at the Tory conference, wandering in as if she were relevant—blissfully unaware that she was more of a comedy act than a politician. People were literally queuing around the block to have a good laugh at her.

A Delusional Grand Entrance

As she marched towards the auditorium, Victoria Derbyshire from Newsnight tried to snag a comment. But no chance—Liz was on a mission. She was determined to prove she was right all along, and only the equally unhinged hacks from The Telegraph were going to be blessed with this “truth” that no one, except Liz, seems to see.

The Queue: Not What Liz Expected

Let’s be clear—the people standing in line weren’t there to hear Liz explain how the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) and her own party were part of a “woke socialist cabal.” They weren’t there to nod in agreement when she claimed a “wokeist agenda” was going to destroy Western democracy. No, they were there to witness a bizarre cross between David Brent and Alan Partridge. A one-woman comedy show at what was otherwise a painfully dull conference.

A Conference So Dull, It Made Watching Paint Dry Seem Riveting

The conference itself? Well, it made watching paint dry feel like watching Brazil’s 1970 World Cup team dismantle Italy. A parade of Tory leadership hopefuls, all pretending to be moderate, but throwing in just enough fascist remarks to keep the members from storming off to UKIP, Reform, or whatever Nigel Farage’s latest money-making scheme is called.

Kemi’s Desperate Scramble

The highlight? If you could call it that, was Kemi “Leadernot” or whatever her name is, desperately trying to backtrack after suggesting women should keep working while giving birth. These second-generation immigrant politicians are a curious lot—it’s as if human rights and immigration should have been frozen the minute their own parents arrived in Britain. Now that their lives are sorted, the drawbridge can be pulled up behind them.

Back to Liz—Is She OK?

But let’s get back to Liz, because frankly, her mental state is becoming a serious concern. She’s suffering from such delusional narcissism that the excellent John Crace described her as having more of a Napoleon complex than Napoleon himself. She still believes she’s the queen of all she surveys, when in reality, she shouldn’t be allowed out without a carer. It’s time to stop giving her a stage—this has moved from entertaining to downright cruel, even if she did manage to wreck an already wrecked economy.

Is It All Part of the Plan?

Or perhaps, this is all part of some long game. Her parents were active on the Labour left. Could Liz be pulling the ultimate loyalty move by ensuring her disastrous “Trussterfuck” alongside KamiKwasi is remembered forever? The Tories want her to disappear, while Keir Starmer probably wants her to stick around. And stick around she does, much to Labour’s delight.

The ultimate Labour loyalist? Probably not. Just barking mad.

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