Paedophilia – A Far Right Obsession

Posted on July 31, 2024

Every time you turn around, it feels like someone on the far-right is shouting about paedophiles. The latest being Huw Edwards, the BBC Newsreader. All over social media, crackpots are demanding we don’t pay our license fee due to him creating child porn on his computer. Why would I give up all the podcasts and radio stations I enjoy because of one sexual pervert? That’s bonkers isn’t it? It’s like these weirdos have found their new favorite hobby. So, why are these right-wing types so hung up on one issue? I’ve been taking a closer look at what’s driving this obsession.

Moral Panic and Social Control

Paedophilia is universally condemned, and for good reason—it’s deeply unpleasant and shocking to most of us. But the far-right loves to take this issue and crank it up to create a moral panic. It’s their way of rallying the troops and somehow portraying themselves as the guardians of society’s moral fabric. By waving the “protect our children” flag, they can get people to support just about any extreme measure they propose, all in the name of saving the kids. It’s basically a con trick to get people to overlook some of their more questionable agendas.

Got problems with the economy, climate change, or political corruption? Don’t worry—let’s rant about paedophiles instead! It’s the perfect distraction. By homing in on a universally hated group, far-right leaders can make gullible fools forget about the real issues at hand. They simplify complex problems into an easy baddie-versus-goody narrative, which is way easier to take in than addressing other ugly realities of the modern world.

Fear, Emotion, and Conspiracy Theories

Nothing gets people riled up like fear and anger, and what better way to stir the pot than by talking about paedophiles? The far-right knows how to push these emotional buttons to keep their supporters fired up. By constantly highlighting this threat, they create a sense of urgency and danger, making people feel like they need to take action—any action—right now. It’s emotional manipulation at its finest.

Welcome to the age of social media, where conspiracy theories spread like wildfire. Far-right folks love to latch onto these theories, especially the ones involving paedophilia. Remember QAnon and all that twaddle? These baseless conspiracies claim that powerful elites in the deep state are involved in paedophilic activities. There’s no credible evidence, of course, but that doesn’t stop these ideas from going viral. The far-right’s obsession with paedophiles is fueled by the ease with which these sensationalist claims can be shared and amplified online.

Cultural and Political Warfare

For the far-right, the fight against paedophilia is just another front in their cultural and political war. They love to paint their opponents—liberals, LGBTQ+ communities, you name it—as morally corrupt and somehow complicit in paedophilia. This kind of rhetoric dehumanises anyone who doesn’t fit their narrow worldview, making it easier for them to push back against progressive changes. It’s a classic us-versus-them tactic.

Far-right movements have always have, dare I say it, a thing for thinking they are the ones who should be controlling and regulating sexual behavior. Their fixation on paedophilia is just the latest spin in their ongoing quest to police morality. By setting themselves up as the moral watchdogs, they get to reinforce their conservative ideology and maintain the social order they crave. It’s all about power and control, wrapped in a cloak of moral righteousness.

In Summary

The far-right’s obsession with paedophiles is a tangled mess of moral panic, emotional exploitation, strategic distraction, and ideological warfare. By fixating on paedophilia, they can unite their base, divert attention from real issues, and push their broader agendas. Understanding these motivations is crucial for seeing through their tactics and tackling the actual problems we face today.

Most people want to see Huw Edwards charged and punished for his crime in a fair and reasonable way according to the laws of the land. Far-Right types want him to face the electric chair and they want to pull the lever.

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