First Attempt at a Vlog – Spackman, The Troggs and Panes

Posted on January 12, 2018

This is my first ever attempt at a Vlog and believe me it is not easy and much harder than writing as you have to try to keep flowing whereas when you write, you can take a break and have a cup of tea.

I have done this as an experiment after one of the lads at the cricket club told me it was the new form of blogging, so we’ll just see how it goes.

This one was inspired by looking into the details of a an ugly old building near where I live (see below) and then drifting into looking at more things about the local area and local folk who have done good.

I hope you kind of enjoy it and understand its occasional stuttering and mumbling but I think with time, I could get half decent at it. Any feedback would be good but for those of you who don’t like it, I will continue to write blogs as well and maybe do one of these once a week.

Cheers and have a good weekend.

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