London 2017 – My Near Brush With Death!

Posted on March 23, 2017

As I sit here at my desk in the outskirts of Andover, looking wistfully at the grey March sky outside my window, I can’t help but wonder…why I am still here?

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My window: I looked wistfully out of it yesterday

My nearly tragic story began last autumn.

In October 2016, I was asked by one of my clients whether I had any electrical fit-out staff available for a project they were tendering for in Green Park, London.

The project was what is known in our industry as a fast-track mechanical & electrical fit-out in the commercial sector, and was due for completion in late February of this year.

About a week later, my client called me to express, with some disappointment, they had lost out on the contract and advised me to halt my search for the staff required.

Had they won that contract but it had been held up because of an asbestos discovery in the roof area of the building, it might well have been delayed for a month, running into March of this year.

I can’t stop myself from thinking that had my client won that contract and there had indeed, been an asbestos related hold up, there may have been circumstances where I decided to visit the site, taking the decision to walk to Green Park, rather than getting a tube from Waterloo.

I have yet to conjure up an idea why I might have decided to visit the site yesterday, but I am working on it very hard and I hope to come up with a valid enough reason soon.

I don’t want sympathy and I am certainly not writing this post for attention or to highlight a severe narcissistic disorder, I just want you, the people of Britain, to stand firm in the face of that one in 10 million chance you might one day come face to face with a tenuous link to terrorism.

Thankfully, the reaction elsewhere on social media has been calm and understated…which reminds me, I must tag myself as ‘safe’ on Facebook.

Next Week: How I came to terms with being born just 22 years and 5982 miles from Hiroshima.

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