The Welshman Who Always Loved Football!

Posted on July 2, 2016

A Welshman who used to call footballers pansies, has revealed how he always loved the game and doesn’t really like rugby.

Dafydd ‘Taffy’ Williams, from Pontypridd, says that he has always loved football, despite previously stating that’s there was only one game for real men, and that was rugby.

“I love the game”, said Dafydd. “When Hal-Robson Bale scored that second try, it had to be the greatest moment of my life”

“We won every phase of play and when Sam Williams converted the third after we dominated the line-out, it was just what this great footballing nation deserved.”

“Every player was just brilliant, from the backs, the flankers and the forwards, we were just brilliant, absolutely fantastic.”


Dafydd celebrates the third Welsh Try

Asked what he thought about England’s pathetic defeat by the might of Iceland, Dafydd could barely contain his joy.

“I haven’t laughed so much since I caught Max Boyce, Shirley Bassey and Tom Jones going at it hammer and tongs in the Port Talbot working men’s club” said Dafydd.

Wales play Portugal next but Dafydd says there is nothing to fear.

“Why not…if we can stop their centre, Ronaldinho, we can win the bloody thing, is it, does it, was it.”

Next week, Hamish ‘Jocky’ McTavish, tells of his lifelong love of tennis and the Wimbledon Championships.

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