The Brexit Aftermath!

Posted on June 25, 2016

With a 52% vote there is no arguing the legitimacy of the Brexit, so now is the time to pick the bones out of it and see where the future takes us financially and politically.

When I woke yesterday, it was with deep sadness that came with tiredness, courtesy of staying up until it became apparent that the people of Sunderland and Swindon had decided to vote against themselves, with a shot to the foot and then the head.

As a dear friend said to me, “I voted for those people and they can’t even vote for themselves”.

The old people took some stick as well but we must be careful not to start an age war, as I do know older people (my dad for starters) who voted to Remain, purely because they were thinking of the future of their grandchildren, not a golden past.

However, The Daily Mail and The Express, purveyors of faux nostalgia and fears over health and immigration, played out a vindictive and manipulative campaign, so I always thought that people of 65 plus were capable of falling into the hands of propaganda Josef Goebbels would have been proud of.

I hope I don’t get like that when I am old; my father hasn’t and he is 84, so I remain hopeful.

The hard bit for many Remain voters, will be coming to terms with building bridges with people they have fallen out with, as it is very apparent that there has been some very aggressive gloating that has caused resentment and anger.

In the past week, I have been told to “Fuck Off my Facebook Page” and accused of “Sucking Cameron’s cock and licking Osborne’s arse” which was a strange accusation considering I have never voted Conservative in my life. I have deleted both people from my social media because when I asked what the substance of their argument was, I received more abuse and no structured answers.

What has confused me is that 40% of traditional Labour voters have voted for a Brexit, choosing to back a campaign that will almost certainly install  the most right-wing, perhaps even more right-wing government, since Thatcherism. I have never heard a better example of ‘Cutting your nose off to spite your face.’

If it was all about hating David Cameron, they deserve what they get for being so self-righteous in my opinion.

Do they really think Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Iain Duncan-Smith or Chris Grayling will to come to their rescue? I don’t know how long an exit strategy takes and how quickly EU rules are decommissioned but if the unemployed and low paid in deprived areas think Iain Duncan-Smith is going to improve their lot, they need their heads examining.

Also, if Boris Johnson thinks that Britain is going to boom as an independent nation with dramatic cuts to immigration, does he mind telling us where he is going to get his labour from? Perhaps British people will be forced to work by taking away any living or disability allowances…IDS is your man there!  Give it a year or two and you might have a blind man removing your appendix but at least he will be English.

There will either be a depression and we don’t need labour, or there will be a boom Boris promises and we will need labour. You can’t have a boom and no-one to carry out the work; basic maths won’t allow it, unless you reduce the legal working age to 12, which would suit Mike Ashley at Sports Direct, who will be relishing being released from the shackles of the dastardly EU bureaucrats.

My guess is that Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn were banking on marginal Stay vote, forcing Cameron out of office and allowing Corbyn and Johnson to slug it out within the EU. They didn’t bank on the naivety of a British protest vote, with people behaving as if though this was some sort of mid-term by-election.

Listening to European’s on the radio was really awful this morning, as they expressed their feeling of first, shock, then sadness and finally anger, at being let down by a partner. We are already told that this will be an ugly divorce where Britain will be used as an example to others who may also want to join in a domino effect exit (France perhaps?).

Article 50 means that we can choose when we want to leave (the referendum is not actually legally binding) and it appears that despite David Cameron wanting to stay on until the October conference and allow a new leader to begin the negotiations after that, the EU want to start the process immediately. They are not happy.


They cannot force it upon us but the more we delay, the more likely they are going to make the terms of the exit more draconian; the boot is on their foot now.

It is an utter mess and it is going to be chaotic process with the biggest irony of all being that the negotiations will be carried out by an unelected Prime Minister. Voters bemoaning allegedly unelected bureaucrats in the EU, take note.

For the record in the EU, a new team of 28 Commissioners (one from each EU Member State) is appointed every five years. The candidate for President of the Commission is proposed to the European Parliament by the European Council that decides by qualified majority and taking into account the elections (that’s right ELECTIONS) to the European Parliament.

Following this election, the President-elect selects the 27 other members of the Commission, on the basis of the suggestions made by Member States. The final list of Commissioners-designate has then to be agreed between the President-elect and the Council.

Whilst this may have its flaws, Britain will shortly have an unelected head of state, an unelected upper chamber and an unelected Prime Minister and Chancellor. Thank God we have our democracy back!

As for it being ‘Independence Day’ don’t make me laugh; those kind of historic days are saved for social and political uprisings or a ‘people’s revolution’, not a celebration of falling into the hands of the an unelected group of right-wing members entrenched in the old establishment.

The British people have just, in effect, voted for Boris Johnson (Eton, President of the Oxford Union) Michael Gove (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford) Iain Duncan Smith (Sandhurst College) Nigel Farage (Dulwich Independent School) and Chris Grayling (Sussex College, Cambridge).

What sort of revolutionary or anti-establishment movement is that?

I regard this week as Hate taking a 1-0 lead over Hope, but whilst there is still a chance for Hope to make a comeback, I will try to stay positive!

2 Replies to "The Brexit Aftermath!"

  • Kirsty
    June 25, 2016 (2:47 pm)

    Yes, surprise result indeed as expressed by Brexit voters leading to Bregret and wanting a second chance! I hope that much needed change will come to the EU and that there will be a way through. As someone that loves change and challenge, a part of me is fascinated to see the unfolding and, as an ever optimist, I hope that we can quell the fear to give rise to hope and opportunity. Interesting times if nothing else! Great article.

  • Barry
    June 25, 2016 (8:56 pm)

    I think I heard some Brexit voter bloke say,” I didn’t know Brexit would drop the value of our quid, or cause the world stock market to drop like a rock, Blimey mate I might not have health care when I live in my double wide in Portugal, Can I change my mind ??, I don’t give a fuck how many immigrants come over, as long as the price of a cucumber or a cuppa doesn’t go up..

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