Norfolk for Sale – Is Nothing Sacred?

Posted on April 1, 2016

Public services, health, education… you might be thinking to yourself there is nothing else to sell off!

How about a County?

That’s right, whilst the Europe mourned the terrorist attacks in Belgium, secretary of state, Liz Truss, was secretly passing a land bill to privatise Norfolk.

American, Russian and Chinese investors are now in the process of bidding for swathes of land that are home to principal arable crops such as sugar beet, wheat, barley (for brewing) and rape seed.

It is also thought that the towns of Thetford, Great Yarmouth and Cromer are up for grabs, with Disney supposedly showing a keen interest in turning Great Yarmouth into a ‘Florida II’ style theme park.

However, Liz Truss is keen to offer first bidding to the Chinese, whom she has been busily engaging with, with regards to opening pork markets in Bejing.

Truss: Recently opened pork markets in Bejing

Cromer Versus Cromer

The county sell-off is causing havoc across Norfolk with ‘In’ and ‘Out’ members arguing so bitterly, the north county town of Cromer has been dubbed ‘Cromer versus Cromer’ in the North Norfolk Times.

Truss claims that the sell-off will allow private investors the ability to pump cash into rural counties in England and grow the local economies, providing jobs on theme park developments such as the ‘The Norfolk Broads Experience’ and large fracking sites just south of Kings Lynn.


Liz Truss: Keen on the the ‘Norfolk Broads Experience’ theme park

Truss and leader David Cameron expected a huge backlash in Prime Ministers questions on Wednesday but opposition leader, Jeremy Corbyn, the master of missing an open goal, chose instead to read an email from Bernard, a 22 year old diabetic with an doughnut addiction, who cannot afford to a buy new mobility scooter.

Truss meanwhile, insists the scheme is just a pilot but will prove that by selling off counties to wealthy foreign investors, the British economy can continue to grow further.

Fancy living in Bejingstoke anyone?


1 Reply to "Norfolk for Sale - Is Nothing Sacred?"

  • Gill Dixon
    April 1, 2016 (8:32 am)


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