The Sun Is On It’s Way…………………..
Posted on April 6, 2010
Make the most of it folks, because judging by the pressure charts, we are heading for a couple of weeks of spring sunshine as a high develops from the azores which should…..should, bring us some sunny days and warm weather with temps 15-18c. If the last few summers are anything to go by, get out there and enjoy it, because it may not last.
After a long cold winter this will be a welcome boost to everyone, just watch how much more cheerful people are when you meet them in the street, at work, and wherever you choose to enjoy the spring weather, I for one can’t wait, because as the years pass my aches and pains in my knees and ankles definitely feel worse in the cold and damp.
After a wet and miserable start to Easter, we got a taste of things to come this weekend as the daffs and other flowers began to blossom several weeks later than usual. After a damp day tomorrow get out and have fun.
April 7, 2010 (7:45 am)
Lovely Pics Bob and Yes HOORAY the sun has got his hat on!