Nick Griffin-Just A Bit Of A Tit Really
Posted on October 24, 2009
I was really expecting fireworks durin the appearance of Nick Griffin on Question Time last night but it was all a load of nonsense really.
I was expecting a well educated man who had become addicted and corrupted to some far right ideals, a sort of boffin gone mad. I was concerned that with clever rhetoric, and well spun anti Islamic policies he may be able to convince deluded middle right wing individuals his party was able to take the nation forward by feeding off issues with immigration and black crime in the inner cities.
What we saw was an idiot, blustering, and jibbering, and fluffing his lines, a rabbit in the headlights of intelligent questions. However Griffin is no rabbit, he is a thug, a wolf in sheeps clothing threatening to divide deprived communities.
However, putting him on Question Time, in my opinion was the right thing to do in a democracy, and it proved a masterstroke, as Griffin was exposed as an unintelligent, loathsome facist with nothing to offer Britain as a nation. He probably loves it.
Trevor and Amy
October 28, 2009 (2:12 am)
I wish I'd seen it. Griffin clearly is a horrible addition to British Politics and it's good that Question Time made him look stupid and exposed him as the nazi that he is.
I'd have loved to have read the Daily Mail the next day. I bet it lambasted Griffin on page 1 and then talked about Britain being 'full to the brim' or somesuch on page 5!