New Home…..Again and a stinking cold!!!

Posted on October 3, 2008
Originating from Tadley, I must have aquired some gypsy blood as I have moved again to village the North Waltham in Hampshire. It is a three bed house which gives me plenty of room for the boys to stay whenever they like, and it has the added bonus of being near The Fox, so happy days! A big thank you to Diane for helping me spring clean the place, a womans touch always helps (Ooo err!).
The delayed hangover from Sofia smashed me clean in the face about 3pm on Tuesday and gifted me with a heavy cold that left me wandering around with a face like glazed doughnut and body temperature fluctuating from -10 t0 +120f every 30 seconds. A welcome antidote to this was a hot take away curry and Readings right Royal 3-0 bashing at flying Wolves o set them right on the promotion track.
It is Georges first indoor cricket match tonight followed by football v Burnley tomorrow with both boys and a trip down to see my Dad on Sunday, no time to get bored then. The picture is Reading celebrating at Wolves (just for you Trev).

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