A Weekend of Ups and Downs

Posted on October 27, 2008

Friday was spent working before watching George and his team mates collapse against a talented Yately team in the cricket indoor league. Nothing wrong with getting beaten by a better team, something wrong with playing so crap, their fielding and bowling was well below the standards they have set…………never mind! I then drove off (still in a bit of a tis) to see the Broughton gang after their annual fund raising jumble sell which comprised of must of the stuff in my new house (they raised over £900 for the school). This turned in to a booze up of some magnitude that ended at about 3.30am. Ooops!

Saturday was spent nursing a hangover whilst trying to digest a letter from BT saying that they had agreed to my request to cancel Emma’s telephone and Broadband at Moorhams Avenue. All well and good if I had actually requested it be cancelled, but I have only just, under great stress, and not without complication, set the fucker up. If Jeremy Beadle wasn’t six foot under I would be convinced he was about to show up at my door. In the evening I went to watch Reading play out a rather tame 0-0 with QPR, before popping out to The Fox for some hair of the dog with Lesley and Denise.
Yesterday I did something I have not done for years on a wet dismal Sunday…………..bugger all except cook breakfast, sleep and watch football, before forcing my way out to Georges cricket practise, followed by a welcome curry in Stockbridge and a beer or two with Diane.
Pictures come from Broughton High Street in the autumn sunshine and Reading drawing againgst QPR

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