Gay Wedding and a Labourious Win For England

Posted on September 7, 2008

I did something that I never thought I would do last night. I went to a lesbian wedding where the best man was gay……strange, but really good fun and I met lots of really nice people. The band were aptly a “Swing” band and very good. It all went on until four this morning so I am feeling a bit jaded today, but I am glad I went, especially as it meant I had an excuse not to watch England as they heroically beat the might of Andorra and their collection of policeman, butchers, bakers, and and candlestick makers 2-0 yesterday.

Tonight I have been to the Flower Pots pub with Steve and Jill for some hair of the dog beer and now as we speak, it is off to bed. Knackered zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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