Busy Week-Now It’s Off To Sofia

Posted on September 25, 2008

Been a busy week this week as I am moving house again…..this time to North Waltham where I have got a 3 bed place to move in to next wednesday. BT Broadband came round on Weds to set up my new phone and internet lines, and apart from them giving me an email address of bob.latheby@btconnect.com it all works. The only thing I could not work out is how to send emails from my microsoft outlook, they came in okay but when I sent them it came up as “error ox800000 server could not be reached contact administator or service provider if problem persists. What the fuck does that mean, and who is my administrator/service provider I didn’t know I had one? Anyway I soon discovered that the best thing to do in these situations is not to talk to a computer expert as I foolishly did, they are all fucking nutjobs.

“Oh that’s simple Bob, it will either be your proxy settings, or perhaps your POP3 Outgoing server settings, or maybe your SMTP settings have altered (This might as well have been explained in Japanese for all the good it was doing me). You need to check your outgoing POP3 and SMTP passwords are the same and that they are establishing a link, or it maybe a problem with your server linking to the Microsoft exchange. Click tools, internet options, settings, advanced settings, test then enter your password, you know your password and username dont you?”

“Erm, I didn’t know I had one”.

“Oh well in that case you’re fucked”.

No pictures today, went to see the old man today for lunch but forgot camera. Off to Sofia with Hutch, Andy, John, Brian, Pete, Mick and Mark so should be a laugh, pictures will appear onMonday.

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