A Trip To Salisbury as The Royals Deliver a Thrashing

Posted on September 17, 2008

Funny old day yesterday, got a load of work out of the way first of all, then went and had a pasty in the city of Salisbury. It’s a strange old City Salisbury; it is kind of where Central Southern England meets with The South West, a few parts of it are dire like Bracknell or Basingstoke, whilst others are quaint like Oxford or Bath. It’s a city that can’t decide what it wants to be. As is often the case, the weekday shoppers are not a great advert for the place, they are all look like they have been made up of spare parts, or have been victims of some sort of savage 1960’s chemical weapons experiment gone wrong. Michael Jackson could have quite easily made his Thriller Video there. The Pasty was nice though.

Then is was off to Diane’s Mum and Step Dads free holding in Broughton to hand pick some raspberries, strawberries, plum tomatoes cucumber and melon most of which has been eaten already, the plum tomatoes were fantastic. After that I dashed off to get Harry and we went to the Mad Stad to watch Reading absolutely batter Sheffield Wednesday 6-0 in one of the most one side games I have seen, a win that takes them to 4th in the table and on course for a promotion campaign. We got home about 11pm, and I was that tired I can’t remember much after that!

Pictures include Salisbury cathedral, Harry eating fresh picked cucumber and plum tomatoes, Reading in action against Sheffield Weds, and a BARGAIN deal at the Reading FC bar. Above the bar area, they have what they call a deals selection, is it me getting old or something, or can someone please inform as to when a pint of fizzy shite lager, and a packet of nuts so salted they will send a blood pressure monitor into a frenzy, became a bargain at £4.40! No wonder John Madjeski is getting richer while everyone else seems to be feeling the pinch!!!

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