The Weekend Gone

Posted on August 31, 2008

Been a pretty eventful weekend really with lots going on. On Friday George stayed over with me at Colin’s house and we walked through the forest over to The Plough for a pint. Six pints later we found ourselves walking back in the pitch black. We literally could not see our hands on front of our faces and we had the added obstacle of puddles and ditches. Half way back Colin informed us that he had never walked it before in the dark, and for a while it got a bit hairy as we stumbled in and out of puddles and ditches eventually getting back covered in mud an hour and a half later! George thought it was a great laugh!

Yesterday we went off to the Madstad to watch Reading tonk Crystal Palace 4-2 in a cracking game. We took up our new seats yesterday which are in the lower tier and are therefore less expensive than where we were last year. Without sounding to snobbish the lower tier a also carries a slightly lower class of person. Football supporters are strange creatures of habit, they are bit like trainspotters. Many of them look like they could have never possibly have played any sport, let alone football, and it is quite surreal witnessing a profusely sweating 20 stone weirdo slagging off players for their lack of work rate, fitness levels, and general laziness as he rams a quarter pounder and a pint of fizzy keg bitter down his throat. Anyway it was a good game.

Last night I went to a party in the village of Broughton near Stockbridge wish was really good fun, but went on far too late for me to remember much except meeting a host of people I have not met before which was nice to do, and a good laugh. I can remember asking a gay chap when he knew he was “different”. That is really embarrassing, so if in the unlikely event he reads this I am sorry. I don’t think he was too offended, but I did wake this morning with a headache and a sore bottom, and I am sure I can recall someone saying “Get the hamster, get the hamster”. Just joking!
Anyway today I reluctantly played cricket for Oakley with a headache, well I didn’t play actually as it rained and we had to abandon the match just before it was my turn to get out for my obligatory duck! So that was that. The pictures come from a sunny Madstad, Harry with his new haircut by me, and a rather depressing scene from Oakley CC that sums up another great British summer.

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