Sport & Leisure

What’s Your Worst Ever Song?

Posted on November 24, 2012

As a follow up to my favourite ever song list that was compiled for my eldest son and anyone else who was interested, I thought what would be far more entertaining would be a WORST ever song list, an eclectic mix of spine tingling, vomit inducing dross that will have you all sprinting for the sick bucket or simply staving in your computer with your right boot before remorsefully handing over five hundred quid to a care in the community teenager ...

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What’s Your Favourite Ever Song?

Posted on November 22, 2012

My eldest son asked me the other day something I regard as  the impossible question... "What's your favourite song of all time?" How on earth do you answer that unless you are one of these people who thinks Adele or some cover 'artist' from X Factor is the best singer in the history of time? Sadly a lot of excellent modern bands are having careers wrecked by the Simon Cowell generation of "McDonalds Music" which is easy to consume but ...

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What Happened to Louise Wener?

Posted on November 15, 2012

I found an old CD the other week called something like 'The Best of the 90's' an album that believe it or not, laid claim to containing some of the best songs of the 1990's; these marketing guys must stay up all night thinking of trendy names for compilation albums. Anyway, I uploaded the CD (actually both CD's) to my iPod for a bit of Britpop nostalgia from bands such as Kula Shaker, Dodgy, Shed Seven and the Divine Comedy. I have to say ...

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Me, My iPod & Tesla Girls

Posted on September 6, 2012

My iPod plays such an integral part in my life that I often wonder how I ever coped without it. I have it on in my car, in my bedroom, when I am in the bath and when I am working at home, in fact I have it on now, keeping me company as I write another post that will have you all rolling around on the floor with laughter as you experience yet another blog  featuring untamed razor sharp wit that knows no boundaries or any knowledge of playing by ...

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Sex and Drugs and Rock & Rock “n” Roll

Posted on August 29, 2012

George went to the Reading Festival at the weekend, leaving as a boy and returning as a man with much of what happened on his weekend away rightly remaining information between him and his peers. Did he have sex? I doubt it. Did he take drugs? I don't think so. Did he drink vast amounts of booze? Most certainly. It's funny that the topic of conversation between me and the dad of his friend on Friday afternoon revolved around our fears of ...

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