Posted on September 29, 2008

What a bizarre weekend we have just had in Sofia, there is nowhere like this European Union capital of corruption that I have seen (Warsaw has nothing on this place) everything appears bent, taxis, restaurants, bars, politics, sport, the lot. Sofia became the capital as recently as the end of wwII and after coming under communist rule it had all it's private farm land collectivised and the masses moved to work in Sofia which the USSR created for ...

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Busy Week-Now It’s Off To Sofia

Posted on September 25, 2008

Been a busy week this week as I am moving house again.....this time to North Waltham where I have got a 3 bed place to move in to next wednesday. BT Broadband came round on Weds to set up my new phone and internet lines, and apart from them giving me an email address of it all works. The only thing I could not work out is how to send emails from my microsoft outlook, they came in okay but when I sent them it came up as ...

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Sunny Sunday

Posted on September 23, 2008

Had a lovely day on Sunday, I went with boys to St Catherine's Hill near Winchester to do some blackberry picking, only to find all but the highest ones had been stripped bare, though we did get the few that were left over. One thing was really noticeable though. Last year we got to the higher blackberries by George getting on my shoulders for extra height, this year no chance, he would have broken my neck, and even Harry was a struggle. That's ...

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The Last Few Days

Posted on September 20, 2008

The last few days has seen a taste of what summer should be like, with clear blue skies being somewhat of a novelty to those witnessing it across the south of England. People are coming out of their houses admiring this rare event in the same way they would seeing a total eclipse. That is just how shite our Summer has been!Anyway, on Thursday night I went to Brian and Lorraine's for a moving house farewell glass of wine that descended in to a ...

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A Trip To Salisbury as The Royals Deliver a Thrashing

Posted on September 17, 2008

Funny old day yesterday, got a load of work out of the way first of all, then went and had a pasty in the city of Salisbury. It’s a strange old City Salisbury; it is kind of where Central Southern England meets with The South West, a few parts of it are dire like Bracknell or Basingstoke, whilst others are quaint like Oxford or Bath. It’s a city that can’t decide what it wants to be. As is often the case, the weekday shoppers are not a ...

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